A stellar start for the project ‘V.E.G.A. – Visualising European Goals through Art‘, co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme within the framework of youth cooperation. The two-year project aims to increase young people’s knowledge and awareness of European youth policies through visual art. In particular, some of the European Youth Goals (Equality of all Genders, Moving Rural Youth Forward, Quality Learning, Space and Participation for All, Sustainable Green Europe) have been chosen to be represented by young people from five countries (Portugal, Spain, Germany, Hungary and Italy) through five visual arts, namely comics, graffiti, photography, graphic art and video art. 

The partners (Teatro Metaphora from Madeira, Aspaym from Valladolid, Youth Bridges Budapest from Hungary, JKPeV from Dresden and CEIPES ETS from Palermo) met for the first time in sunny Palermo to discuss the next steps of the project and to make extremely important decisions for its implementation. In addition, the group had the opportunity to get to know each other better, in person, and to immediately establish a relationship of complicity and cooperation, which are fundamental requirements for carrying out the many activities of which the project is composed. 

It promises to be an adventure full of excitement and enthusiasm and the consortium has already set to work: the next step will be the international training, to be held this autumn in the beautiful Hungarian capital, Budapest. 

What can we say then? Stay tuned, because a lot of news is on the way and follow our project social pages on Facebook and Instagram. Per aspera, ad astra!